Return and Refund Policy

Enjoy shopping with the following return policy features:

You have 14 days to return the products sold after receipt. Shipping cost will be added through the returns in your customer account or by calling customer service number (+201273560338) or via email Company email.

If the item has a defect, does not work properly, does not match its’ description, is fake, or was damaged as a result of transportation and shipment, you have the right to return it within 30 days from the date of receipt for free, and the value of the item will be refunded to you within a maximum period of 14 working days.

When returning the product, make sure that all the accessories and labels for the order are in their proper condition and that the product is in its original package in the correct condition in which it was received and that the package is sealed (in the case of replacement within 14 days). In addition to returning any included gifts with the products or exceptional accessories.

As for products that show manufacturing defects within 30 days of purchase, the aforementioned conditions also apply.

Please note that, in case you created a password for a device that you want to retrieve, kindly make sure to remove it, otherwise the request will not be completed correctly.

Non-refundable products:

  • Damaged Products (excluding transportation damage).
  • Products that are not in their original packaging.
  • Products that do not include all accessories.
  • Unsealed products from the following product groups.
  • Underwear, make-up, cosmetics and personal items.